Licensed Electrical, Plumbing & HVAC

Roofing Nearly all construction projects must factor in electrical wiring before being completed. Every project from the simplest custom countertop to the design and framing of an entire house involves considerable electrical work. At R2 Construction Inc., you can be confident that our licensed electricians will safely and efficiently handle your electrical wiring needs. One of the most frustrating feelings is not having an electrical plug where it is most needed, so we allow our customers to custom design the placement and number of electrical access points throughout the construction project area. Our professional and journeyman electricians will guarantee a convenient, safe, and cost-effective set-up of the electricity in all of our projects, so you will have lights, plugs, and appliance ready access points exactly where you want them.

The licensed plumbers of R2 Construction Inc. will also guarantee that all of your plumbing needs are taken into account in the design and installation process of your construction project. Bathrooms, kitchen sinks, and house-wide piping can be complicated and professional advice on design is recommended for efficient and convenient plumbing choices. HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) is another key design feature that should be carefully considered for all construction projects. Where do you want the vents to be located in your home? Do you want central air and heating? How will your intended use of specific rooms and areas of your structure affect the placement and design of your HVAC system? The experts at R2 Construction Inc. will be happy to assess the needs within your home or business, recommend the best system, and install it in a timely and professional manner.

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